The separator is a critical component in lithium - ion batteries. Due to primarily stringent government regulations on the automotive and industrial sector, manufacturers are shifting toward the use of lithium - ion batteries in both of these areas. These shifts are leading to a growth in the lithium - ion battery separator market. In addition, a growing consumption of smartphones, tablets, and other electronic products are impacting the global growth of the lithium - ion battery separator market.
These uses of lithium - ion batteries in new and emerging applications has led to an increase in the development of new separator materials. Much of this work is based on the realization that separators that are used in lithium - ion batteries for consumer applications may not be the most effective separator to use in batteries that are utilized in electric vehicles. This observation is based on the fact that the batteries that are used in electric vehicles are larger than batteries that are used in consumer electronics. This size difference translates into a larger potential for thermal runaway effects that can lead to catastrophic events such as fires and explosions. The separator plays a key role in the safety of such batteries because it serves to reduce the possibility of the occurrence of these events. Most commercial separators that are currently used are based on polyolefins, either polyethylene or polypropylene.
This training will discuss the processes use to manufacture that important part of a battery which is known as separators, also will explain you different important aspects of Lithium-ion battery including:
- Novel materials and processes that are being used
- Treating the battery components in combination with each other
- Modification of existing products, current unmet needs for lithium - ion battery separators
In addition, developments that have occurred recently in these commercial processes will be presented. Recent new developments will also be mentioned during the training. The training will highlight battery separators as a critical yet often overlooked battery component that is essential to meet further demands. It will focus on treating the battery components in combination with each other rather than as individual materials.
Highly recommended training for chemists and chemical engineers that are focused on developing lithium - ion batteries in both universities and industry. Also, researchers and workers that are specifically working on lithium - ion battery separators will find the information that is presented in the training to be very useful. In addition, battery researchers and developers that work in industry will greatly benefit from the information that is provided in this training. The information can be used as help guide to plan for further work in the various areas that are needed for the implementation of lithium - ion batteries into emerging applications.
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