Training Details

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Plastic Failure Analysis Techniques And Tools For Investigation And Success

3.0 star rating

Registration Includes

  • Lifetime access to the on-demand training
  • Training material in PDF
  • Very useful Q&A transcript PDF
  • Training participation certificate
  • Contact details of the instructor for future project needs
  • On-demand consultations by leading industry experts


Understanding the actual reason for failures is absolutely required to avoid recurrence and prevent failure in similar equipment. Plastic failure analysis consists of investigations to find out how and why something failed. Failure analysis is performed using many methods including non-destructive, mechanical and chemical testing methods. Process follows several successive steps with failed part, and failed component often facilitates selection of analytical methods and can provide insight into some of the factors that may have contributed to the failure. Proper planning can ensure that an investigation is efficient and cost effective.

This training will cover mostly the chemical testing methods such as DSC, FTIR, TGA, LC OES etc.

Why you should not miss the training?

Instructor will discuss why the analysis should be performed, and how it helps in understanding and improvement of design, materials selection, and inspection methods. He will also share some interesting real time case studies.

Who should attend this training?

Must have training for R&D professionals, design engineers, mechanical engineers, chemist, laboratory technicians, quality engineers and plastics consultants. Also, helpful for all those working or associated in anyway with plastics and polymers developments, OEM etc.

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Your Training Expert


OT Team Author


Member of team OnlyTRAININGS.

  • Training Expert: OT Team Author
  • Duration: 75 min
  • Industry: Polymers and plastics
  • Training level: Troubleshooting
  • Registration: Closed

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5 Trainings - $699 | 10 Trainings - $1199 | Unlimted Trainings (1 Year) - $3499

Now Refer and Earn 🎉 $60

Training Outline

  • During this training following topic will be covered:

    1. Plastic failure introduction
    2. Typical examples of plastic failures
    3. Identification of failed part
    4. Quick overview of available options for investigation
    5. Focused discussion on chemical method testing including DSC, FTIR, TGA, DMA and TMA
    6. Case studies
    7. References and contact details of key players
    8. Q&A session to clear doubts

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